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Super Bowl Sunday Helping the Super-Hero

Last Sunday, February 3rd, the Super Bowl showed a trailer for Iron Man 3 during the commercials. This movie will be the third installment of the Tony Stark legacy, and for the Iron Man series. This is big news for the movie world, because of the past success and records that the previous Iron Mans have won.

The original Iron Man, which was released in 2008, soared in the box office, grossing $35.2 million on its first day, giving it the thirteenth biggest opening day of all time currently, and grossing almost $99 million on its opening weekend, making it the ninth biggest wide release in terms of theaters of all-time, along with also having the second-best premiere for a non-sequel, and the fourth biggest-opening for a superhero film. In 2010, Iron Man 2 grossed $128 million in its opening weekend, making it the fifth-highest opening weekend ever. Both films also were nominated in the Academy Awards in their respective years, with Iron Man up for nomination for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Editing, and Iron Man 2 additionally for Best Visual Effects.

Directed by Shane Black, the movie will star some new people in this installment, including Oscar-winner Ben Kingsley as the villain, The Mandarin, and Rebecca Hall, who starred in 2010 film The Town as Ben Affleck’s love interest. It was also announced, that there will be a fourth film released as well. I have seen the first two films, and I thoroughly enjoyed both, with both films having a great combination of comedy and action, so I am excited for this third installment, as are many other people I am sure. Iron Man 3 will be released May 3rd, 2013 in all United States theaters.

One response to “Super Bowl Sunday Helping the Super-Hero

  1. Super stoked about this film. My room mates are making me watch the previous two films before seeing this but we are palling on seeing it together once I am caught up on the trilogy.

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