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New Website Shows Celebrities’ Favorite Movies


A new website, Flickathon, ( was released to the Internet recently, that has archives of favorite movies of famous people. It has been quite popular around Internet websites such as Reddit and Rotten Tomatoes. It ranges from showing movies favorited by actors and actresses, sports stars, musicians, big CEOs of companies, and even government officials, such as the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The website has a slick, bold design to it, with an easy to use interface to explore all of the celebrities and the respective movies that they love.

Users can also recommend movies to other users on the website, and the most recommended movies aggregate into a “Top 100” category. Additionally, you can follow friends from your social media sites that are on the site and look at their favorite movies by category, and even search movies and get recommended films based on positive reviews and similar classifications. However, I think the coolest part of the website are the favorite movies by renowned people in our world today. There is also a YouTube video explaining all functions of the website:

Personally, I have gone through the website extensively and have absolutely loved it, because of the wide range of categories the website has, and how easy it is to navigate through the site. I have recommended it to all my friends, and if you are a movie lover, this will without a doubt not disappoint.

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One response to “New Website Shows Celebrities’ Favorite Movies

  1. Adam Goldberg ⋅

    Can you post a link to the website you wrote about?

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