
We all know it. We all love it. The shining lights and colorful cardboard cutouts in the lobby. The familiar smell of popcorn and other baked items being prepared behind the counter. For more than 100 years, people have been going to movies to laugh, cry, cringe, or applaud. It’s a way to escape from everyday life, or connect on levels that we never thought were possible. Whether it is in 90 minutes, or 200, movies can create scenes and convey messages that stick with us forever. There is nothing quite like the experience of going into a theater and watching and experiencing with others a flick on the “big screen.” Whether it is in the theater, or at home with a blanket and popcorn, there is no better way to relax by immersing yourself in all the different worlds movies present. Movies are in my opinion, the greatest form of entertainment, and a passion of mine, and I will be providing any movie-related news, rumors, trailers and more!

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