My Last Post For A While? (And The Movies I Am Most Excited For Upcoming In 2013)

1170481 - The End Of The World

Summer is coming soon, and that means that I will not be posting anymore in this blog for a while for different reasons. However, there are a plethora of movies that I am very excited for, most of them coming out in the next couple upcoming months in the summer of 2013.

     Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, and Man of Steel are the top three action/adventure movies that I am most excited for. I have seen the first two Iron Mans, the previous Star Trek that came out in 2009, and movies that Man of Steel director Zack Snyder came out out with, such as 300, and they have all been great.

The Hangover: Part III, Kick-Ass 2, This Is the End, Monsters University, and even Anchorman: The Legend Continues that comes out in late December, are a great bunch of comedies that I am extremely excited for. I have seen all the predecessors for the sequels listed, and This Is the End is bound to be hilarious with its star-studded cast and unique plot.


There are also many other movies of different genres I am anticipating to see that come out in the next couple of months, and I am ready to kick back, relax, and enjoy some summer “blockbusters” that will be coming out in the next coming months, and even after summer. It has been a great “semester” of posting, and always let the passion and the understanding of the art of films be instilled in all of you. Movie-ng On…
