My Last Post For A While? (And The Movies I Am Most Excited For Upcoming In 2013)

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Summer is coming soon, and that means that I will not be posting anymore in this blog for a while for different reasons. However, there are a plethora of movies that I am very excited for, most of them coming out in the next couple upcoming months in the summer of 2013.

     Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, and Man of Steel are the top three action/adventure movies that I am most excited for. I have seen the first two Iron Mans, the previous Star Trek that came out in 2009, and movies that Man of Steel director Zack Snyder came out out with, such as 300, and they have all been great.

The Hangover: Part III, Kick-Ass 2, This Is the End, Monsters University, and even Anchorman: The Legend Continues that comes out in late December, are a great bunch of comedies that I am extremely excited for. I have seen all the predecessors for the sequels listed, and This Is the End is bound to be hilarious with its star-studded cast and unique plot.


There are also many other movies of different genres I am anticipating to see that come out in the next couple of months, and I am ready to kick back, relax, and enjoy some summer “blockbusters” that will be coming out in the next coming months, and even after summer. It has been a great “semester” of posting, and always let the passion and the understanding of the art of films be instilled in all of you. Movie-ng On…


New Website Shows Celebrities’ Favorite Movies


A new website, Flickathon, ( was released to the Internet recently, that has archives of favorite movies of famous people. It has been quite popular around Internet websites such as Reddit and Rotten Tomatoes. It ranges from showing movies favorited by actors and actresses, sports stars, musicians, big CEOs of companies, and even government officials, such as the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The website has a slick, bold design to it, with an easy to use interface to explore all of the celebrities and the respective movies that they love.

Users can also recommend movies to other users on the website, and the most recommended movies aggregate into a “Top 100” category. Additionally, you can follow friends from your social media sites that are on the site and look at their favorite movies by category, and even search movies and get recommended films based on positive reviews and similar classifications. However, I think the coolest part of the website are the favorite movies by renowned people in our world today. There is also a YouTube video explaining all functions of the website:

Personally, I have gone through the website extensively and have absolutely loved it, because of the wide range of categories the website has, and how easy it is to navigate through the site. I have recommended it to all my friends, and if you are a movie lover, this will without a doubt not disappoint.

Related Sources:

Roger Ebert Says “I’ll See You at the Movies”


On April 4, 2013, a man who changed film and film reviews forever, died from cancer after a long fight. For a film with a daring director, a talented cast, a captivation plot or, ideally, all three, there could be no better advocate than Roger Ebert, who passionately celebrated and promoted excellence in film while clearly pointing out the mediocre, or plain awful. “No good film is too long,” he once wrote, and “no bad movie is short enough.” Ebert, who died at the age of 70 in Chicago, had been in poor health over the past decade, battling cancers of the thyroid and salivary gland. He reviewed movies for the Chicago Sun-Times for 46 years and on TV for 31 years, and who was without question the nation’s most prominent and influential film critic.

He was also technically savvy, being an early investor in Google, and having an extremely popular website, He also not only won a Pulitzer Prize and was the first film critic to do so, but his name was also added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2005. He also launched a new kind of television program to existence, “Opening Soon at a Theater Near You” (soon changed to “At the Movies”) with Chicago Tribune movie critic Gene Siskel, in 1975. The program was extremely successful, and ran for decades after. After Siskel died in 1999, Ebert auditioned a number of temporary co-hosts and settled Sun-Times colleague Richard Roeper in 2000, and at its height, “Ebert & Roeper” was seen on 200 stations. Additionally, Ebert wrote films, along with trademarking the term “two thumbs up/down” and inevitably ran at the top of movie advertisements. He believed his job was his identity, and had a huge amount of supporters, including Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Steven Spielberg, who said that Ebert’s “reviews went far deeper than simply thumbs up or thumbs down.”

I personally grew up reading movie reviews constantly, fascinated at how each critic analyzed and critiqued specific movies. I always remembered Ebert’s reviews, as his positive reviews were always highlighted for the respective movies, and noticing how in-depth and profound they were. He was not only a critic, he was an example for the entire film community.

Two days before his death, he ended his final blog post by saying, “So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I’ll see you at the movies.”


‘Spring Breakers’ is Breaking Out Some (Ex)-Disney Stars


The new movie Spring Breakers, directed by Harmony Korine, has been stirring up a lot of buzz the past couple of months. The buzz can be largely attributed to the raunchy pictures and advertising of the four female stars, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, and Rachel Korine, with Gomez and Hudgens largely known for their work in Disney movies and television shows, Benson as a star in the popular television show Pretty Little Liars, and Korine, who is the wife of the writer and director. The movie entails the story of four college-aged girls who decide to rob a fast-food restaurant in order to pay for their spring break trip to Florida. The movie also an interesting addition of actor James Franco as a hustling gangster with cornrows, who breaks the girls out of prison and takes them under his wing and into the vast criminal world. As ridiculous of a plot as this sounds, the movie was actually selected to compete at the 69th Venice International Film Festival, and has received an overall “fresh” rating on the popular film review aggregator website.

Some critics have slammed the movie for its poor acting and odd plot, but others have embraced it, calling it “fun” and “extremely entertaining.” With the risqué collaboration of the four female characters and the edgy storyline, some say that the movie only attracts by the looks of the girls, and that if Gomez and Hudgens wanted to advance their movie career, they should not have picked such a revealing movie with a weak premise. Regardless, many critics thoroughly enjoyed the film. Sources:

I myself, do not have much interest for seeing the film, even with the many positive reviews. However, I know many people will flock to see this due to its outright quirkiness. The movie will be released across the U.S. on March 22nd, 2013 and is rated R.

New Documentary from Keanu Reeves


“Side by Side,” a documentary directed by Christopher Kenneally and produced by Justin Szlasa and Keanu Reeves, will be released to theaters tomorrow. It premiered at the 2012 Berlin International Film Festival and was also shown at the Tribeca Film Festival. The film takes a tour of the past and future of filmmaking, and tracks the losses and gains of Hollywood’s move to digital cinema. By doing this, the documentary asks dozens of film-makers, including “legends” such as James Cameron, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, and Steven Soderbergh about working in an industry that is changing rapidly in the digital age. The main goal of the movie was to explore the spectrum of opinion in the industry, at a time when both film and digital are still used to shoot.

The popular film aggregator and forum website “Rotten Tomatoes” has already given the film a “certified fresh” 95% of positive reviews, amongst almost 60 critics. As an obvious lover of films, I am very excited for this film and I hope to see it, and see how filmmakers feel about our changing movie industry, and see what direction Keanu Reeves takes it in.


Super Bowl Sunday Helping the Super-Hero

Last Sunday, February 3rd, the Super Bowl showed a trailer for Iron Man 3 during the commercials. This movie will be the third installment of the Tony Stark legacy, and for the Iron Man series. This is big news for the movie world, because of the past success and records that the previous Iron Mans have won.

The original Iron Man, which was released in 2008, soared in the box office, grossing $35.2 million on its first day, giving it the thirteenth biggest opening day of all time currently, and grossing almost $99 million on its opening weekend, making it the ninth biggest wide release in terms of theaters of all-time, along with also having the second-best premiere for a non-sequel, and the fourth biggest-opening for a superhero film. In 2010, Iron Man 2 grossed $128 million in its opening weekend, making it the fifth-highest opening weekend ever. Both films also were nominated in the Academy Awards in their respective years, with Iron Man up for nomination for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Editing, and Iron Man 2 additionally for Best Visual Effects.

Directed by Shane Black, the movie will star some new people in this installment, including Oscar-winner Ben Kingsley as the villain, The Mandarin, and Rebecca Hall, who starred in 2010 film The Town as Ben Affleck’s love interest. It was also announced, that there will be a fourth film released as well. I have seen the first two films, and I thoroughly enjoyed both, with both films having a great combination of comedy and action, so I am excited for this third installment, as are many other people I am sure. Iron Man 3 will be released May 3rd, 2013 in all United States theaters.

Silver Linings Playbook Lining up for Gold

‘Silver Linings Playbook’ First Film in 31 Years Nominated in All 4 Acting Categories for Oscars

The romantic comedy-drama film released in November 2012 accomplished a feat that has not been done in over 30 years. The film is competing in all possible acting categories for the Academy Awards, with Jennifer Lawrence in the Best Actress category, Robert De Niro for Best Supporting Actor, and Bradley Cooper up for Best Actor. Additionally, actress Jacki Weaver was nominated for Best Supporting Actress as De Niro’s forbearing wife. The last film to accomplish this was “Reds” (1981), and in fact, only 14 films in history have accomplished this feat. Directed by David O. Russell, if this film sweeps all the acting categories, it will be the first film to ever do so in the 85 year history of the Academy Awards. I saw this movie last December, and I truly believe the actors/actresses deserved their nomination. Each performance was almost flawless, and the movie was the epitome of what a romantic comedy/drama should be, where the characters cleverly develop throughout the movie, and the dramatic and comedic elements were cunningly put into the movie’s situations and dialogue, and balanced each other out very well. Out of the many movies I saw in 2012, “Silver Linings Playbook” was easily one of the best, if not the best.


The First Post

We all know it. We all love it. The shining lights and colorful cardboard cutouts in the lobby. The familiar smell of popcorn and other baked items being prepared behind the counter. For more than 100 years, people have been going to movies to laugh, cry, cringe, or applaud. It’s a way to escape from everyday life, or connect on levels that we never thought were possible. Whether it is in 90 minutes, or 200, movies can create scenes and convey messages that stick with us forever. There is nothing quite like the experience of going into a theater and watching and experiencing with others a flick on the “big screen.” Whether it is in the theater, or at home with a blanket and popcorn, there is no better way to relax by immersing yourself in all the different worlds movies present. Movies are in my opinion, the greatest form of entertainment, and a passion of mine, and I will be providing any movie-related news, box-office numbers, rumors, trailers and more!
